MCA Provides Feedback on Tunney's Pasture Re-Development

Tunney’s Pasture Redevelopment Concept: Lower density residential redevelopment, west side (source: Government of Canada website)

On Nov. 30th, 2023, MCA provided feedback on the re-development project team for Tunney’s Pasture following the open house on Nov. 21 and 22. The main points in our letter are related to:

  • Making Tunney’s Pasture into a walkable 15-minute neighborhood (as outlined in City of Ottawa’s New Official Plan)

  • Conducting traffic impact assessments on neighboring communities

  • Consultations on how to prevent traffic flows from Burnside/Columbine gateway

  • Rethinking a future road connecting Lyndale to Tunney’s Pasture (preventing traffic flows through Mechanicsville)

  • Preventing wind tunnels from high-rise buildings that also block sunlight for tree growth

  • Securing efforts to creating safe summer and winter access at two “Natural Primary Gateways”

Posted on December 5, 2023 .

Trees Not Embassies update

When Mechanicsville stood up against the NCC to save Lazy Bay Commons, we were motivated by the amazing community support that we received from you all! Besides our wins, we achieved what no other small, volunteer-run, community association has in this city, a voice!!!

The fight is not over yet. We still have a financial hurdle to overcome for us to hold both the NCC and the City accountable to the negotiated terms in the Minutes of Settlement (see link below) as the plans for Lazy Bay Commons move forward. We need your financial support to clear the final legal costs incurred in the Trees Not Embassies campaign.

Although we didn’t win everything we wanted in this fight, with your help we stood up for what we felt was right. Taking on the NCC was not a fair fight but this is what we got:

  1. A federal park/environmental preserve of .9 Ha of land at the east end of Lazy Bay Commons. This larger park equals 24% of the total area, well-above the City requirements of 2-5%. This federal greenspace is to be reflected in all NCC planning documents within 2 years;

  2. Enhanced connection between Laroche Park and the Ottawa River as provided in the Scott Street Community Design Plan;

  3. The NCC, the City and the MCA will work cooperatively to “implement the Agreement in a manner that protects and promotes the public interest and the health and safety of the community” and to respond to all reasonable written requests;

  4. Consultation with the MCA on the design of a pathway connecting Forward to Hinchey Avenue and best efforts to retain or replace existing trees adjacent to 89 Forward Avenue;

  5. Mature trees should be retained except where removal is unavoidable, best efforts shall be made to replace removed trees on the Lazy Bay Commons;

  6. The NCC shall not make any alterations to the Lazy Bay Commons prior to redevelopment that would render it inaccessible or contrary to its current informal use, other than for reasons relating to public health or safety or if preliminary work or studies are required for the purpose of redevelopment or site investigation;

  7. Construction of a sidewalk along Burnside to Slidell with an “active transportation connection” along Slidell to the Parkway to be built upon construction of the first embassy; and

  8. Lands not set aside as a federal park, will be developed for up to 5 embassy buildings limited to 3 stories tall with either underground or screened parking and no parking, driveways, or waste bins facing the community and limits on security fencing.

  9. Established the Ontario Land Tribunal precedent that Community Associations should have standing to represent their community

This precedent-setting campaign and its outcomes would not have happened without your support and the legal ingenuity of our legal counsel, Kristi Ross. MCA is 100% run by volunteers and this campaign was not an exception. Many passionate association members spent tireless hours making this campaign happen and they would do it again to support our community. We will not stop until the park is fully accessible and the last tree is planted in Lazy Bay Commons!

Please consider donating to our GoFundMe: Trees Not Embassies Legal Defence Fund at or you can donate directly to the Mechanicsville Community Association by cheque or by an electronic transfer sent to Note that donations need to be marked as “Trees Not Embassies Legal Defense Fund.”

If you would like to read the full text of the Minutes of Settlement Agreement, please visit the MCA website Also, please feel free to reach out to our members with any questions you have about this effort at


Lorrie Marlow, President

Mechanicsville Community Association

Posted on September 29, 2023 .

Laroche Park public art consultation

AS noted by Councillor Leiper:

The City's public art team has launched a public engagement survey for the art coming to Laroche Park. The survey will show all four proposals and solicit information from the public about each of them. This information will help the selection committee with their final choice of one of these proposals at the end of July. Find the survey here.

Posted on July 5, 2023 .

Online reporting for found needles

If you find needles or drug paraphenalia, the closest needle disposal is at Tom Brown Arena. Its important to report your find on the link below. This helps the Needlehunter team identify locations they should check. We appreciate having Needlehunters in Mechanicsville keeping our grounds clean and residents safe! 

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

The LiVE 88.5 Community Garden Initiative | LiVE 88.5 Ottawa's Alternative Rock

So exciting! Mechanicsville Innovation Garden won the weekly Live 85.5 community garden contest! We are being presented with gardening tools and supplies from Ritchie Feed & Seed and entered for $1000 draw! We produce about 250 litres of produce for the Parkdale Food Centre and should do even better now with this help from Live 85.5 and Ritchie Feed & Seed!

Posted on April 25, 2023 .

SJAM Parkway Lane Closures

As reported by the City of Ottawa: As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, there will be temporary lane closures and construction activities on the Sir John A. Macdonald (SJAM) Parkway between Island Park Drive and Woodroffe Avenue.


Parkway temporary lane closures between Island Park Drive and Woodroffe Avenue.

On weekdays, there will be one lane in each direction, available to general traffic on the SJAM Parkway just east of the Transitway off-ramp to just past Westboro Beach.

On weekends, there will be one SJAM Parkway eastbound lane and two SJAM Parkway westbound lanes; however, during the NCC Weekend Bikedays there will be only one lane eastbound available. For SJAM Parkway westbound, motorists will follow the routine NCC Bikedays detour. 


Saturday, April 15 at 7:00 a.m. to Sunday, July 9 at 11:30 a.m. 2023.

Daytime hours only - 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on Sundays.


Construction activity at the Kitchissippi Lookout intersection and the Lanark Pedestrian Bridge that crosses over the SJAM Parkway.


The work zone is on the SJAM Parkway, east of the Transitway off ramp to just past Westboro Beach.

Anticipated Impacts

Excavators, wheel loaders, bulldozers, drill rigs, graders, asphalt pavers, and compactors will be used for construction and bridge rehabilitation. This includes storm sewer, guiderail, traffic signal and street light installation as well as paving and line painting. Rock breaking during the first month of construction will be required. Rock breaking is NOT permitted overnight.

Noise from equipment will be audible and some equipment may cause vibrations.

Trucks will deliver granular material, asphalt, and concrete to the site and will haul away excavated material. Noise from equipment and moving of material will be audible.

Motorists should adhere to traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.

Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution and adhere to posted signage when localized detours are in-place, to ensure safety.

Posted on April 25, 2023 .

Synapcity's Civic Education Event on April 30th from noon to 5pm

Join the Mechanicsville Community Association on Sunday April 30th from 12 noon to 5pm at Nepean’s Benjamin Franklin Place for Synapcity’s civic education event, Navigating Our City. During the event, citizens will learn how to navigate our civic infrastructure, understand organizations working in the city, and ultimately create positive change in their communities. The event will feature organizations and individuals working hard to create in the city and will end with a panel of City Councilors from across the city. The event will be filmed as part of a new TV Ontario docuseries based on Dave Meslin’s book, Teardown. Register now to hold your spot:

Posted on April 23, 2023 .

MEDIA RELEASE: Agreement with NCC offers more parkland at Embassy Precinct

MEDIA RELEASE: Agreement with NCC offers more parkland at Embassy Precinct

Saving greenspace has galvanized community since 2019

OTTAWA March 22, 2023 — Mechanicsville Community Association (MCA) has signed an out-of-court agreement on principles for a settlement that will cement the community’s connection to Lazy Bay Commons – a 3.7-hectare piece of land where the National Capital Commission (NCC) is seeking to build an embassy precinct.

“We are pleased to see that the NCC is respecting our community’s desire to keep the greenspace north of LaRoche Park as parkland,” said Lorrie Marlow, president of MCA.

“The principles of settlement are in line with the parkland vision set out in 2014 when we develope and endorsed the Scott Street Community Design Plan,” she added.

During the fight to prevent six embassies from being built across the site, people living in Mechanicsville named the area Lazy Bay Commons – a reference to what is now a small bay on the shores of the Ottawa River. Before building of the NCC parkway, the bay was much larger and extended to Burnside Avenue in the heart of Mechanicsville.

The Commons has provided Kitchissippi Ward’s most densely populated neighbourhood with health, recreational and environmental benefits for decades. “It’s an oasis, a really important part of living here,” she said.

According to Marlow, more than a month of intense negotiations with the NCC proved worthwhile because now the NCC’s appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal will be settled without a formal hearing. “This is a relief for us” she said. ”Communities like ours are cash-strapped and having to raise $40,000 or more to pay lawyers and experts is a big burden on our working-class residents.”

Glad “a significant park” remains, sidewalks will be built and access provided
Roy Atkinson is an MCA Board member and chair of an MCA working group that has opposed the NCC’s embassy plans for 3 years.

“I am relieved that our determined efforts in recent weeks convinced the NCC to retain a significant park at the east end of Lazy Bay Commons, to build sidewalks around the site, and to provide a west-end pedestrian corridor” he said.

With 24% of the site now slated to remain as greenspace, Atkinson said he hopes the NCC and the City of Ottawa will join in partnership with the Mechanicsville Community Association to address outstanding health, safety and environmental issues and to create the “convivial park” the NCC promised at the outset—one that will meld the sports-oriented focus of Laroche Park with the more relaxed and natural experience offered at Lazy Bay Commons.

The MCA working group developed a “Trees Not Embassies” logo, created an online petition, erected signs on fences around Lazy Bay Commons, spoke out about security issues posed by embassies and the need for more trees, raised money during information sessions on Wellington Street and online, staged street protests along the parkway, and lobbied federal, provincial and city politicians—all during a pandemic.

“It’s no exaggeration to say that the fight over Lazy Bay Commons galvanized this community,” said Atkinson. “We fought together for a place we love.”

For media inquiries:

Mechanicsville Community Association, Roy Atkinson

Chair of MCA’s Lazy Bay Commons Working Group

Phone: 819 923 6733

Email: Website:

Media release PDF

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Posted on March 22, 2023 .

Do you love your local library - Rosemount? Have ideas on how it can be even better? 

Do you love your local library - Rosemount? Have ideas on how it can be even better? 

READ is looking for you! We're having a brainstorming and next steps meeting the evening of Wednesday May 17th. We would love to have more Rosemount library users join us in the discussion and also consider joining the READ working group. RSVP here if you want to attend OR learn moreBring your ideas and enthusiasm for our local branch!

Background: READ (Rosemount Expansion & Development group) is a working group which formed almost 10 years ago to advocate for an expanded and renewed Rosemount library branch.  We have been quiet the past four years during Rosemount's renovation and during the most challenging years of the pandemic. However, now that our new head librarian has started in her position and programming is coming back online (some programs have yet to return 'post-pandemic'), we are looking at ways to support Rosemount and help make it even better as a strong local library branch.

Posted on March 21, 2023 .

99 PARKDALE - Civil Works Along Parkdale Avenue

Brigil staff at 99 Parkdale Avenue are advising the community that they are scheduled to begin civil works along Parkdale Avenue on 2023-01-09. The goal of this operation is to cut into the roadway to tie into the services within the roadway to service the new building. Throughout this operation, they will be following the traffic control plan previously submitted to and approved by the City of Ottawa. A team of traffic control specialists will facilitate the staging required to perform this work safely, including directing the flow of vehicular traffic around our work and assisting pedestrians as they approach the area. The working hours are between 9:00am and 3:00pm. The anticipated duration for this work is approximately three weeks, at which point the roadway and sidewalks along Parkdale Avenue will be reinstated. Should anything change, they will provide notice to the community.

 If you require any additional information, please reach out to Jessica Di Pasquale directly (Email: )

Posted on January 6, 2023 .