REMINDER: Webinar on Monday, Sept 21st for 163, 159 + 167 Parkdale Ave

As posted on Councilar Jeff Leiper’s site:

[The] Site Plan Control application for 163, 159 & 167 Parkdale Ave has been submitted. You can review the application further on DevApps. The Zoning for these properties was previously approved in 2013 and the buildings previously on the site have since been demolished. 

The Site Plan sees a 31-storey tower with 267 residential units (176 one (1) bedroom units, including one (1) two (2) storey, ground-oriented townhouse unit; and, 91 (2) bedroom units, including four (4) two (2) storey, ground-oriented townhouse units), 167 parking spaces are also proposed, with retail space at grade.

Monday, September 21 at 7:00pm

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Password: 225838

Posted on September 19, 2020 .

163, 159 + 167 Parkdale Ave Open House Webinar

As posted on Councilar Jeff Leiper’s site:

[The] Site Plan Control application for 163, 159 & 167 Parkdale Ave has been submitted. You can review the application further on DevApps. The Zoning for these properties was previously approved in 2013 and the buildings previously on the site have since been demolished. 

The Site Plan sees a 31-storey tower with 267 residential units (176 one (1) bedroom units, including one (1) two (2) storey, ground-oriented townhouse unit; and, 91 (2) bedroom units, including four (4) two (2) storey, ground-oriented townhouse units), 167 parking spaces are also proposed, with retail space at grade.

Monday, September 21 at 7:00pm

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Password: 225838

Posted on September 11, 2020 .

Rosemount return drive today

With limited space at the temporary location and the high volume of materials that circulate from the Rosemount library branch, the library will be holding a one-day RETURN drive, accepting curbside returns of library materials. They invite community member to come out on Saturday, July 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the north corner of Parkdale Park (corner of Hamilton and Armstrong) to return your library items.

Posted on July 25, 2020 .

Rosemount Temporary Reopened

Rosemount (temporary location), will be offering a curbside returns and holds pickup service starting Monday, July 27, following these hours of operation:

  • Monday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.   

  • Tuesday: 1 p.m. – 8 p.m.   

  • Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.   

  • Thursday: 1 p.m. – 8 p.m.   

  • Friday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.   

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.   

  • Sunday: CLOSED  

Posted on July 25, 2020 .

Wellington West BIA Household surve

The Wellington West BIA wants to learn more about the residents of Mechanicsville and our shopping behaviours. At the end of the completed survey, you can enter to win a $250 gift card to any store you choose as well as weekly prizes every Friday until July 31 for a $50 gift card to any store you choose. Complete the survey at

Posted on July 12, 2020 .

Reminder: Call 311 for pickup of any found needles or crack pipes

MCA would like to remind all M'ville residents to call 311 for pick up of any found needles or crack pipes. The City employee picking up will report to If you have found a needle or crackpipe and deposited in the needle drop box at Causeway located at 22 O'Meara Street in Hintonburg or on the Somerset Bridge at Breezehill Avenue and Somerset Street, please report to  Finding these items are a safety hazard and must be reported to ensure the Needlehunter program know areas to check in the future.  

Posted on June 20, 2020 .

Planning Circulation - 159 Forward AVenue

Lorrie Marlow 8:52 AM (3 hours ago)to me Can you post the attachment and the message below on our websiteMCA had a presentation from Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) on the redevelopment of 159 Forward Avenue, the former Forward Avenue Family Crisis Shelter. This property owned by the City of Ottawa has been sold to CCOC for a multi-unit rental property with full market rent and some affordable units based on income.

MCA is pleased to see 2 and 3 bedroom units for families. CCOC has addressed MCA concerns which were that the HCAC and mechanical ventilation equipment be installed on the roof and not on the ground adjacent to any of the neighbors. The waste storage must be enclosed and not adjacent to any of the neighbors which CCOC has addressed. MCA is supportive of parking on the property to reduce parking on Forward Avenue and 31 bicycle parking spots. CCOC will replace trees and provide soft landscaping and community garden plots on the property. MCA encourages residents to provide comments by June 23, 2020 to the link in the application and also send to:

Here is the: Site plan Control Application summary.

Posted on June 6, 2020 .

Public input on COVID-19 related re-opening

From Councillor Jeff Leiper’s newsletter:

The City and Ottawa Public Health are exploring how to safely reopen the city in a gradual, phased approach that aligns with the Province of Ontario’s framework for reopening the province.

We want to hear about the changes you have made to protect yourself and your loved ones from covid-19, how easy it has been for you to get and understand information from different levels of government, what kinds of supports you have accessed, your ideas on how to maintain physical distancing and more.

Your feedback will help us develop a recovery plan that meets the needs and expectations of our community.

Tell us what you think here.

Posted on May 2, 2020 .

Council on Aging covid-19 survey

From Councillor Jeff Leiper’s newsletter:

Ottawa's Council on Aging is seeking to hear seniors' feedback on their experience of the covid-19 pandemic. Questions cover how you are coping, managing anxiety and staying connected. The information collected will be used to support Ottawa's seniors during this and other public health crises. Click here to take the survey in English (here in French), or, if you would prefer to complete the questionnaire by phone, call 613.789.3577 ext. 4 and leave a message. Someone will call you back within 24 hours to collect your information

Mechanicsville Community Association encourages our Seniors to participate in this survey

Posted on May 2, 2020 .

StatsCan survey on COVID-19

Statistics Canada is asking residents to take a voluntary survey on how folks are dealing with the pandemic. It takes five minutes to fill out, and the data will be used to help guide suitable support measures during and after the pandemic. Fill it out here until April 16.

Posted on April 6, 2020 .