Laroche Park

Councillor Leiper’s office has notified MCA of an upcoming environmental drilling program at Laroche Park (52 Bayview Road). The City’s Environmental Remediation Unit has been working with the National Capital Commission (NCC) for a number of years to investigate/monitor a groundwater plume containing elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which appears to be migrating from the adjacent NCC property at 80 Bayview Road onto the east portion of the park site. The environmental consultant working on behalf of the NCC has proposed an additional investigation on the two properties to investigate critical data gaps as a first step in evaluating potential remedial options for the VOC plume.

The NCC’s environmental consultant will be drilling monitoring wells at 6 locations across the east portion of the park as part of the proposed work program. Underground utility locates will be marked in the next two weeks, and the drilling program is scheduled to take place between November 7 and 25.

Posted on October 28, 2016 .

NCC property at Carruthers and Burnside

The contractor for the John Howard Society facility has secured the NCC property at Carruthers and Burnside for a construction staging area. There is a Sign Person on Burnside at the top of the hill slowing traffic to accommodate heavy equipment crossing. This was a request by the MCA Planning & Development Committee. Please message us with any concerns.

Posted on October 21, 2016 .

Donations for the kids in the community

Mechanicsville Community Association in Partnership with Somerset West Community Health Centre are gladly accept the following donations for the kids in the community as part of their program and use Laroche Park


  • Skates and skate helmets of all sizes

  • Gently used sports equipment

  • Winter hats, mitts, gloves and socks

  • Gently used running shoes, rubber boots and winter foot wear for children and youth.

  • School supplies

  • Craft materials

  • Lego

  • Gently used board games with all their pieces

  • Nintendo Wii games  ( specifically those with a physical activity component)

  • Gently used Halloween costumes (seasonal)

You can drop of your donations at the Laroche Field house on :

Mondays 3:00-8:30

Tues-Fri 3:00-5:30




Posted on September 22, 2016 .

Response from Jeff Leiper City Councillor of Kitchissippi Ward on LRT Noise complaint

September 20, 2016

Dear resident,

I have recently concurred with a noise exemption to work at night on the light rail site between Tunney’s Pasture and Merton Street inside the Transitway trench.

The work would consist of concrete chipping that can’t be done during the day while other work crews are sharing the space. I have agreed to allow the work from September 21 until October 5. The work will shift as they get various portions of the trench done, moving at about 60-90 meters per night. The noise level has been described to me as around 70-80 db at the source. Given that the work will be inside the trench and at a reasonably significant distance from the adjacent houses, I’m comfortable that this won’t be a prolonged or overly disruptive period.

I have put conditions on the exemption including that there will be no backup beepers, or light sources that affect the homes next to the trench.

I apologize for the short notice. The request was only made to me last week. I have let the project team know that we need much more notice so that I can in future consult fully with residents. They are aware that if the noise level is wholly unacceptable, that this will jeopardize future exemptions.

Thanks for your understanding and my apologies for the disruption.

Jeff Leiper

City Councillor, Kitchissippi Ward

613.580.2485 |

Posted on September 20, 2016 .

News from your community association!

Crime Prevention Ottawa mural funding

Crime Prevention Ottawa mural funding was approved for Laroche Park Field House!!! The artist will start prepping walls on Monday Aug 8th. The kids from the SWCHS leadership program will be painting Aug 15 & 16th. Ribbon-cutting and cake with Jeff, Constable Neilly and Crime Prevention Ottawa people proposed for August 22nd. Drop by any day to meet the artist, Ranz, he's a really cool guy and loves to talk graffitti and mural art! Check out his FB page :

Mechanicsville Fire Fundraiser

Mechanicsville Fire Fundraiser on July 28th at the Carleton Tavern raised about $2650 for the families affected by the fire at 59 Carruthers. Thank you to the musicians, volunteers, the donations and raffle prizes!

BBQ and propane tanks

MCA is seeking a sponsor for the purchase of a new BBQ and propane tanks for community events if you have any leads, let us know!

Posted on August 11, 2016 .

Ottawa Film Office

The Ottawa Film Office is drawing attention to Ottawa as a place for filming through a lookbook marketing tool. This lookbook should give filmmakers a visual understanding of all the different types of locations Ottawa has to offer. There is currently a gap in photos of residential locations that are usable for this lookbook. Should the community association have any useful pictures on file for this purpose, we would appreciate including them in our collection of pictures. The photos would need to show off the particular aesthetic of the community and be of good quality. They should not focus on any one specific building but should depict the overall feel of the neighbourhood as well as the style of architecture.

Thanks for your time,

Alexandra Karabatsos - Administrative Support

Posted on June 14, 2016 .

Fraud alert from the Ottawa Police Service

The Ottawa Police Organized Fraud Unit is advising the community about an emerging mass marketing scam/extortion where fraudsters call residents and threaten to arrest the victims and their families.

Messages have been left for victims to immediately call back a specific phone number or their family would be arrested and prosecuted.

The fraudsters eventually request the victim’s personal information and banking information (credit cards, bank accounts and passwords) as a way to avoid an arrest. This is also how fraudsters confirm a victim’s identity.

The fraudsters have been known to impersonate government agencies, attorneys; and sometimes no identity is provided.

The Ottawa Police Fraud Unit reminds Ottawa residents to be wary when receiving phone calls in which personal information and/or banking information is requested.

For further information on marketing scams and fraud, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre<>.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service Call Centre at 613-236-1222, ext. 7300 or Crime Stoppers toll-free at 1-800-222-8477.



L'Unité des fraudes organisées de la Police d’Ottawa tient à mettre en garde la collectivité au sujet d'une nouvelle arnaque d'extorsion par mercatique de masse, lors de laquelle des fraudeurs téléphonent à des résidents et menacent d'arrestation les victimes et leurs familles.

Par le passé, des fraudeurs ont laissé des messages ordonnant aux victimes de rappeler immédiatement un numéro de téléphone spécifique, sinon leur famille serait arrêtée et poursuivie en justice.

Les fraudeurs demandent éventuellement les renseignements personnels et bancaires de la victime (numéros et mots de passe de cartes de crédit et de comptes bancaires) pour qu'elle évite d'être arrêtée. Les fraudeurs confirment ainsi, du même coup, l'identité de leur victime.

Les fraudeurs se sont fait passer pour des agents d'organismes gouvernementaux et pour des avocats. Parfois, ils ne prennent pas la peine de s'identifier.

L'Unité des fraudes organisées de la Police d’Ottawa rappelle aux résidents d'Ottawa de se méfier si on leur demande, au téléphone, de divulguer des renseignements personnels ou bancaires.

Pour obtenir plus de détails concernant la fraude par mercatique de masse et autres escroqueries, visitez le Centre antifraude du Canada<>.

Toute personne ayant vécu ce type d’arnaque est priée de signaler l’incident en communiquant avec le Centre d’appels de la Police d’Ottawa au 613-236-1222, poste 7300, ou avec Échec au crime, sans frais au 1-800-222-8477.

Posted on May 13, 2016 .

Working together to stop graffiti

The City of Ottawa and Ottawa Police Service are committed to dealing with graffiti vandalism and strive to provide a clean, vibrant, safe and welcoming community for all residents, businesses and visitors.

Posted on May 9, 2016 .

ROSEMOUNT LIBRARY - Renovate, Expand or Move? Let YOUR voice be heard!

 ( and Councillor Jeff Leiper are co-presenting a community consultation process to learn about the community's vision for Rosemount Library!

Online participation in the consultation:

If you missed the first consultation round in March, you can still participate online until April 22 at the following links:

             English questionnaire:  here's the link
             Le questionnaire en français:  voici le lien


Second (and final) round of consultation for this process:

We encourage everyone to attend the second round of consultation sessions.  We will review summarized feedback from the first sessions and discuss possible options for Rosemount's "next chapter" - renovate, expand, and/or relocate!

Date & Time: Sat April 16, 11:30-2pm *OR* Tues April 19, 6:30-9pm

Location: Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St W

Childcare Provided by staff from Dovercourt in a room right near the consultation

More information:

Sign the online statement of support for Rosemount Library:

Take a moment to sign the statement of support for Rosemount.  EVERY single name makes a difference in advocating for the future of our local branch. 

In English: here's the link

En Français:  voici le lien

Posted on April 6, 2016 .

MCA Form Membership


Please click the link below to access the full PDF version of the membership form

The MCA Membership form

In case you cannot access the form via pdf, the contents of the form can be found below.




Type: Individual __         Company/Corporation __

                  (over 18 y.o)



Surname:   ____________________________________________


Given Name:  __________________________________________


Company Name (if applicable): _____________________________


Email Address (optional)  __________________________________

            (for MCA newsletter and notices only – will not share mailing list)





(street no.)          (street name)                              (unit/apt no)



(city)                                 (province)                        (postal code)


I would like to receive MCA newsletters and notices by email ____ YES ____ NO


Please complete the membership form and remit your $5 fee

Remit to:  a board member, at our booth at one of our events or

mail it to our new PO Box

Cheque made out to: Mechanicsville Community Association


Rev (Mar 2016)


Are you interested in becoming an active member of MCA?


We have committees and events that need you and your skills! Check our website for notices, news and updates about our community. The Terms of Reference for our committees are available on our website:


Please indicate your interests:

____                Planning/Development

____                Security/Community Liaison

____                Media/Communications/Membership

____                Events


Please remit this form to the above address at your earliest convenience. The Membership fee is $5.00 per calendar year. This fee supports the above-mentioned committees, newsletters, posters and community initiatives.




Posted on March 31, 2016 .

Trauma and Neighbourhoods: Harnessing Community Resiliency

Trauma and Neighbourhoods: Harnessing Community Resiliency

Trauma and Neighbourhoods: Harnessing Community Resiliency is a half day conference exploring the connections between individual trauma and collective trauma.  We will share approaches on how neighbourhoods can respond after a violent or traumatic incident.  An opening panel and dramatic performance will be followed by concurrent workshops. The workshops will give participants an opportunity to discuss the impact of violent and traumatic incidents in their community, and how to build community resiliency using the Post-Incident Neighbourhood Support Network.   The conference is intended for both service providers, such as community health and resource centres, social housing providers, police officers, as well as neighbourhood and tenant leaders. 

When:           Friday, April 8, 2016

Time:           8 a.m. to 12 noon

                     8:00 to 8:30 coffee and muffins (program starts at 8:30)

Where:          Confederation Education Centre
                       1645 Woodroffe Avenue
                        Free Parking at the back of the Nepean Sportsplex

                   (Please note the location has changed)

 Opening Panel, 8:30-10:30am

  • Reactions to Trauma at the Community Level, Stephanie Potter on behalf of PQCHC
  • Introducing the Post-Incident Neighbourhood Support Framework, Mehdi Louzouaz, Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre
  • Trauma Informed Care, Dr. Matthew Kerr, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
  • Branch Out Theatre 

Workshop Groups, 11am-12noon

We will divide the participants into groups by neighbourhood to discuss how we can work together to apply the information from the panel to our neighbours when responding to tragic incidents.

R.S.V.P. to Crime Prevention Ottawa at or 613-580-2424, ext. 25393.  When you register, please let us know what part of the city you live or work in so that we can create the workshop groups.  *Please note that space is limited.* 

Questions will be encouraged in both official languages.

Posted on March 30, 2016 .